Lorespeeker of Clan Ilian

Pu'erh Munin is a young, dark skinned man with golden eyes. Up and down his exposed, tattoo ridden arms were multiple, runic symbols that circulate and triangulate at the forearm to better express his magical output of the Storms and all magic connected to it. His left eye covered by a leather sack with golden crypts added that straps around his head to keep the hidden power of the storms concealed.

His facial structure and overall likeness was akin to Marcel Delisle but with off putting contrasts of bleached, silver hair and a slim fit figure that came from combat experince.

Granted, he is still young and carries himself with the overwhelming confidence to take over the world, Pu'erh prefers to the calmness and peace he could offer prefers to stay calm and collected until it was time to let loose. After all, what wouldn't a man do for family.