Standing before you is an affluent 5’5 man who carries himself with a high degree of importance and opulence. Each facet of his appearance appears trimmed and groomed to a state of calculated perfection, his clothing denoting a certain professional disposition with the finely-made suit and overcoat that he is often seen wearing. At his hip sits a regal, if not still quaint, saber which rarely sees itself drawn from its sheath, which bears the man’s signature maker's mark of a golden wing.

Upon his pale silken face, past his elegant and often apathetic features is a pair of piercing silvery-blue eyes. A particular burning covetousness looms from his glance; an avaricious appraisal that appears to pry at the seams of those around him, judging and analyzing their every movement.

Holding the position as proud Guild Master of The Gilded Hearts, his reputation often serves to precede him. A man of proper wealth, and the proprietor of the elusive ‘Gilded Estate’, his origins still often remain shrouded in mystery to the many. Though it is said his skill as an artificer, alchemist, and businessman alike can not be understated.